Coronavirus representative image

The Wuhan Coronavirus, which originated in the city of Wuhan in China at the end of 2019, has since then spread across the world claiming a huge number of lives and bringing down the economy of the whole world. The spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus has raised several questions in people's mind regarding whether it originated naturally or was man -made. It has brought up quite a few conspiracy theories against China.  So, we have come up with a few evidences which, indeed, prove that a lot of information regarding the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus  has still remained hidden by the Dragon from the rest of the world!

Incident 1: Chinese professor murdered in US:

The fatal shooting of a Chinese-born coronavirus researcher on US soil has fuelled conspiracy theories across the world. Bing Liu, a 37-year-old assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was found dead in his house on Saturday. His Colleagues have said he was on the verge of making some significant breakthrough on his studies of Covid-19, giving rise to online speculation  that it was an assassination. But police claimed that it was a murder-suicide.
He was found with multiple gunshot wounds to the head, neck, torso and extremities at his home in the Pittsburgh suburbs, according to the local police department.
The gunman who shot him was identified as 46-year-old software engineer Hao Gu. Authorities say he took his own life after returning to his car.
Liu and Gu knew each other, homicide detectives said.
The investigation has determined it was a murder-suicide resulting from "a lengthy dispute regarding an intimate partner".
They said there was "zero evidence" the case was linked to Liu's research work and the current public health crisis.
Is this murder in some way linked to the global pandemic?

Renowned Chinese Virologist Shi Zhengli goes missing

Shi Zhengli is a renowned virologist,  who is an expert on coronavirus in bats. She is the supposed director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Shi Zhengli may have the answer to the question the world is asking, "did the coronavirus originate in her lab?" But Shi Zhengli is missing. This is just one of the many things that's mysterious about her. Shi Zhengli is called China's bat woman.
She made a breakthrough in 2013, when she found bat faeces with the virus 96.2 per cent identical to the SARS COV-2, which is the same virus that caused COVID-19. In 2013, Shi began altering parts of the coronavirus. She wanted to study whether coronavirus can be transmitted from one species to another.
In 2015, she concluded that the SARS-like virus can jump from bats to human. On December 30, 2020, Shi received some samples from healthcare workers in Wuhan, which were from patients in Wuhan who were showing symptoms similar to pneumonia.This was a new coronavirus, the Wuhan coronavirus. By the time Shi Zhengli started analyzing the samples, the virus had spread to the rest of China and within months, it had crossed borders.
Did this virus escape from Shi's lab? Only Shi has the answer. But she is missing. But on February 2, 2020, the virologist re-appeared online on WeChat
She said- “I promise with my life that the virus has nothing to do with the lab'. A month later, she reportedly admitted to having several sleepless nights. “Could they have come from our lab?” The bat expert was asking herself this question. Soon rumours surfaced on social media. Some claimed she defected to the West. And she took along with her years of confidential research on bat coronavirus. Rumors were that the Wuhan lab director was taking asylum at the US Embassy in Paris. However, Shi quashed these rumors. Again, on Wechat. “No matter how difficult things are, it [defecting] shall never happen,” 

 “We’ve done nothing wrong. With a strong belief in science, we will see the day when the clouds disperse and the sun shines.” She also posted nine pictures. Not of her lab, or herself, but evidence of being in Wuhan. Some said the Chinese had muzzled her. This sparked another set of questions.

Is Shi safe? Another clarification on Wechat.  'Everything is alright for my family and me, dear friends'. If that is the case then where is China's bat woman and why has she not been seen in public in months?

Can China say it has nothing to do with this disappearance?

These were some incidents that bring up queries in people's minds regarding whether the global pandemic is associated with huge conspiracy which the world doesn't know about?

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