Science has always be fascinating, and the major contribution to this fascination comes from chemical reactions. So, we have come up with a list of a few crazy and unique chemical reactions that will definitely satisfy your eyes!

Heating Calcium Gluconate

Calcium gluconate is a mineral supplement and medication. As a medication it is used by injection into a vein to treat low blood calcium, high blood potassium, and magnesium toxicity. Supplementation is generally only required when there is not enough calcium in the diet.
When Calcium Gluconate is heated, it breaks down into Cal­ci­um ox­ide, car­bon, wa­ter va­por and carbon diox­ide. The wa­ter va­por and car­bon diox­ide froth the car­bon and cal­ci­um ox­ide, turn­ing them into enor­mous gray “snakes”. 

Sodium Polyacrylate and Water

Sodium polyacrylate is an example of a super-absorbing polymer. It is a cross-linked (network) polymer that contains sodium atoms. It absorbs water by a process called osmosis. When the (sodium-containing) polymer is placed in contact with water, there is a tendency for the sodium to distribute equally between the network and the water. That means, some of the sodium atoms want to leave the network and move to the water. When these sodium atoms leave, they are replaced with water molecules. Water swells the polymer network to try to keep the sodium concentration balanced between the polymer and the water. The cross-links that connect the chains together prevent them from dissolving/breaking apart in the water. Sodium polyacrylate can absorb 800 times its weight in distilled water, but only 300 times its weight in tap water, since tap water contains some sodium, calcium and other mineral salts.

The Pharaoh's Snake

The reaction was discovered by Wöhler in 1821, soon after the first synthesis of mercury thiocyanate: "Winding out from itself at the same time worm-like processes, to many times its former bulk, of a very light material of the color of graphite" . For some time, a firework product called "Pharaoschlangen" was available to the public in Germany, but was eventually banned when the toxic properties of the product were discovered through the deaths of several children that had mistakenly consumed the resulting solid.
The Pharaoh's Snake experiment is conducted in the same manner as the sugar snake experiment; however, the former uses mercury(II) thiocyanate (Hg(SCN)2) instead of powdered sugar with baking soda. This must be done in a fume hood, because all mercury compounds are hazardous.
After igniting the experiment, mercury(II) thiocyanate breaks down to form mercury(II) sulfide (HgS), carbon disulfide (CS2), and carbon nitride (C3N4).

Diethylzinc and Air

Diethylzinc (C2H5)2Zn, or DEZ, is a highly pyrophoric and reactive organozinc compound consisting of a zinc center bound to two ethyl groups. This colourless liquid is an important reagent in organic chemistry. It is available commercially as a solution in hexanes, heptane, or toluene, or as a pure liquid.

Diethylzinc is pyrophoric, meaning is ignites spontaneously on contact with air. Like most organometallic compounds, the carbon is much more electronegative than the metal center. This causes the Carbon-Zinc bond to be highly polarized toward the carbon(s). The result is a carbon atom with a (sort of) negative charge called a "carbanion." Carbanions are not stable, and react violently with water, air, and just about anything that can either accept a pair of electrons or donate a proton.

Caesium and Water

Caesium (cesium in USA) metal reacts rapidly with water to form a colourless solution of caesium hydroxide (CsOH) and hydrogen gas (H2). The resulting solution is basic because of the dissolved hydroxide. The reaction is very exothermic. The reaction is so fast that if the reaction is carried out in a glass vessel, the glass container will shatter. Although not known for certain, the reaction is probably slower than that of francium (immediately below caesium in the periodic table). The reaction is faster than that of rubidium (immediately above caesium in the periodic table).

2Cs(s) + 2H2O → 2CsOH(aq) + H2(g)

Nitrogen triiodide

Nitrogen triiodide is the inorganic compound with the formula NI3. It is an extremely sensitive contact explosive: small quantities explode with a loud, sharp snap when touched even lightly, releasing a purple cloud of iodine vapor; it can even be detonated by alpha radiation. 
NI3 has a complex structural chemistry that is difficult to study because of the instability of the derivatives. The instability of NI3 and NI3 · NH3 can be attributed to the large steric strain caused by the three large iodine atoms being held in proximity to each other around the relatively tiny nitrogen atom. This results in a very low activation energy for its decomposition, a reaction made even more favorable due to the great stability of N2. 
Nitrogen triiodide has no practical commercial value due to its extreme shock sensitivity, making it impossible to store, transport, and utilize for controlled explosions. Whereas pure nitroglycerin is also greatly shock-sensitive (although not nearly as much so as nitrogen triiodide, which can be set off with the touch of a feather) and powerful, it was only due to phlegmatizers that its shock sensitivity was reduced and it became safer to handle and transport in the form of dynamite.

Vesuvian Fire

Ammonium dichromate is an inorganic compound with the formula (NH4)2Cr2O7. In this compound, as in all chromates and dichromates, chromium is in a +6 oxidation state, commonly known as hexavalent chromium. It is a salt consisting of ammonium ions and dichromate ions.

Ammonium dichromate is sometimes known as Vesuvian Fire, because of its use in demonstrations of tabletop "volcanoes". However, this demonstration has become unpopular in schools due to the compound's carcinogenic nature. It has also been used in pyrotechnics and in the early days of photography.

Elephant's Toothpaste

Elephant's toothpaste is a foamy substance caused by the rapid decomposition of hydrogen peroxide using potassium iodide or yeast and warm water as a catalyst. How rapidly the reaction proceeds will depend on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. Because it requires only a small number of ingredients and makes a "volcano of foam", this is a popular experiment for children to perform in school or at parties; the experiment is also known as the "marshmallow experiment", but is unrelated to the psychological Stanford marshmallow experiment.

About 50 ml of concentrated (>30%) hydrogen peroxide is first mixed with liquid soap or dishwashing detergent. Then, a catalyst, often around 10 ml potassium iodide solution or catalase from baker's yeast, is added to make the hydrogen peroxide decompose very quickly. Hydrogen peroxide breaks down into oxygen and water. As a small amount of hydrogen peroxide generates a large volume of oxygen, the oxygen quickly pushes out of the container. The soapy water traps the oxygen, creating bubbles, and turns into foam. About 5-10 drops of food coloring could also be added before the catalyst to dramatize the effect. How rapidly the reaction occurs will depend on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide used.

Potassium Chlorate and Sugar

When potassium chlorate and ordinary table sugar are combined, and a drop of sulfuric acid is added as a catalyst, the two react violently with each other, releasing large quantities of heat energy, a spectacular purplish flame, and a great deal of smoke.  (The purple hue of the flame is presumably due to the heating of the potassium.)

Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction

A Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction, or BZ reaction, is one of a class of reactions that serve as a classical example of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, resulting in the establishment of a nonlinear chemical oscillator. The only common element in these oscillators is the inclusion of bromine and an acid. The reactions are important to theoretical chemistry in that they show that chemical reactions do not have to be dominated by equilibrium thermodynamic behavior. These reactions are far from equilibrium and remain so for a significant length of time and evolve chaotically. In this sense, they provide an interesting chemical model of non-equilibrium biological[clarification needed] phenomena; as such, mathematical models and simulations of the BZ reactions themselves are of theoretical interest, showing phenomenon as noise-induced order.

Barking Dog Reaction

The "Barking Dog" is an exothermic chemical reaction that results from the ignition of a mixture of carbon disulfide and nitrous oxide. When ignited in a cylindrical tube, the reaction produces a bright flash and a loud "woof" - reminiscent of a barking dog.

In simple terms, the ‘Barking Dog’ reaction is a combustion process, in which a fuel (carbon disulfide, CS2) reacts with an oxidizing agent (nitrous oxide, N2O), producing heat and elemental sulfur. The flame front in the reaction is a zone of very hot, luminous gas, produced by the reactants decomposing.

Sodium Potassium Alloy and water

Sodium-potassium alloy, colloquially called NaK, is an alloy of two alkali metals, sodium (Na, atomic number 11) and potassium (K, atomic number 19), and which is usually liquid at room temperature. Various commercial grades are available. NaK is highly reactive with water (like its constituent elements) and may catch fire when exposed to air, so must be handled with special precautions.

Isopropyl Alcohol Fire Bottle

Low-boiling alcohols vaporize readily, and when alcohol is placed in a bottle, it forms a volatile mixture with the air. A simple match held by the mouth of the jug provides the activation energy needed for the combustion of the alcohol/air mixture. Only a small amount of alcohol is used and it quickly vaporizes to a heavier-than-air vapor. The alcohol vapor and air are all that remain in the bottle. Alcohol molecules in the vapor phase are farther apart than in the liquid phase and present far more surface area for reaction; therefore the combustion reaction that occurs is very fast. Since the burning is so rapid and occurs in the confined space of a bottle with a small neck, the sound produced is very interesting, sounding like a “whoosh.”

Reaction between Caesium and Fluorine

Since Caesium is the most reactive of the alkali metals and fluorine is the most reactive of the halogens, the exothermic reaction which occurs produces a bright (kind of lilac), vigorous explosion.

The reason why this occurs is because caesium is a group one element which means that it has to lose one electron to have a complete outer shell whilst fluorine which is a group 7 element has to gain one to complete its shell. Caesium’s outer shell is far away from the nucleus as it has so many other shells in the way therefore the electrostatic forces holding the negative electron to the positive nucleus are weak. For fluorine ,as it is a non metal one period down the table, the opposite occurs where fluorine’s outmost shell is very close to the nucleus with only one being in the way creating strong electrostatic forces meaning it can get one negative electron very easily. The reaction produces an ion between the two elements with a strong electrostatic bond as caesium gives one electron to fluorine creating a positive caesium ion and a negative fluoride ion.

Aluminum meets bromine

Liquid Nitrogen and Water

When you pour the liquid nitrogen into water, you get a big burst of mist, frantic boiling (the liquid nitrogen, not the water!), and a wash of fog pouring from the water container. It's not nearly as much fun.

Gallium in hot Water

Gallium is a soft, silvery blue metal at standard temperature and pressure.
It has a very low melting point of 29.76 degrees celsius which allows it to melt in the human hand, and then refreeze if removed. 

The video above shows a Gallium spoon immersed in a glass of hot water. The way it melts is quite satisfying!

 Glycine-nitrate reaction with precursors of barium nitrate, zirconyl nitrate and yttrium nitrate to form BaZr0.8Y0.2O3

Explosive Polymerization


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